Our Educational Choice
For our courses we use PSS teaching, the first diving teaching agency in the world to introduce the use of e-learning.
Its system called EVO is the most sophisticated IT tool specific for divers; extremely simple and versatile in use, much appreciated by students even very young. You can study and prepare to enter the world of diving or specialize remotely, wherever you are and when you want. Manuals, quizzes, educational videos and the opportunity to interact with the instructor are always at your disposal to study and prepare yourself through your Smartphone, Tablet or PC. Contact us and we will immediately register you for the course you have chosen so you can start the theory and tests from home, followed by your instructor. When you are with us on holiday in the village, you will take practical lessons at sea. Upon your arrival we will give you all the necessary and missing equipment. The lessons at sea start from the diving beach, a natural pool with transparent water bordering our structure and where you gradually enter to experiment the techniques, in complete tranquility, while relatives, boyfriends and friends can relax and if you agree. , watch your progress.
The Scuba Diver Course is the fastest way to become a diver. You can dive anywhere in the world, always accompanied by a diving instructor. You will be able to complete the training with the Open Water Diver course in any other PSS Diving.
12 mt deep
Minimum age 10 years
The Open Water Diver Course is also a great "start", but more challenging because it will make you an autonomous diver. And if you have already attended the Scuba Diver Course ... you are already well underway! The international certification you will obtain enables you to dive with a diving buddy.
18 mt. Deep
Minimum 10 years
By continuing your diving training, you will be able to increase your aquatic skills, knowledge and techniques, until you become an expert diver, being able to dive all over the world always together with a partner. In the second training level you will learn to manage depth, to navigate with and without a compass. You can also learn research techniques, dive in the current, in poor visibility conditions, at night.
Prerequisite: Open Water diver
Max dept 18 mt. (100 feet)
Minimum 12 years.
Do you want more? Our specialization courses will make you seize new diving opportunities. Ask our instructors for advice and choose the specialties: Night Diving, Limited Visibility Diving, Wreck Diving, Drift Diving, Search and Salvage, Underwater Ecology, Digital Underwater Photography. Naturalist.
Discover more
Depth can become an irresistible lure. If you wish to venture into deeper waters, you can attend the Deep Diver Course. At the end of the training you will be able to dive, in the safety curve and together with a buddy, within the maximum limit allowed for recreational divers.
Prerequisite: Open Water diver
Max dept 40 mt. (100 feet)
Minimum 12 years.
Prepare to face emergencies by learning underwater rescue techniques and complete your training with "First Aid - C.P.R." and “Oxygen in Diving Emergency”. The first is more generic and the second is specific for the administration of oxygen to the injured diver. These three courses are therefore complementary and designed to address "in full" all the possible scenarios of an underwater emergency.
Minimum age 12 years
Prerequisite : Advanced OWD
(Min. 20 dives).
Change your life !!. Continue your training, we are ready to guide you how far you want to go! You have a unique opportunity: to become a diving professional. Sign up for a "Divemaster", "Assistant Instructor" and then "Scuba Instructor" course. These qualifications enable to accompany or train divers all over the world. As the last step in the "teaching career" and devote yourself to the training of diving instructors, you can qualify as a Technical Instructor or become an Emergency Instructor.
PSS Instructor Training Center

First underwater experience to discover the thrill of breathing underwater! You will be issued a certificate of participation which has no qualifying value. However, if you like the experience, you can continue directly with the Scuba Diver Course.
Depth max. 2 mt
Minimum age 8 years